Since I found out that I was having a girl I knew that I wanted pictures of her in a "little black onesie". I saw a ton of onesie's that said "Little Black Dress" but I wanted something similar yet different. I looked at a lot of DIY tutorials over screen printing and bleach writing and decided that I wanted to make Estella a "Little Black Onesie." So here it is:
1: Materials Needed
Black Onesie (hobby lobby)
White all purpose paint or fabric paint
Small and Medium size paint brush
Permanent Marker
Mod Podge
Nylons (large size works best)
Paint Spreader (cardboard would work too)
Knitting ring (don't know the actual name)
2. Print out an image of a pearl necklace that you like, size it to fit your onesie. Trace the necklace onto the nylon. I also traced the outline of the onesie to use as a guide when I started tracing the necklace.
3. Spread mod podge onto the nylon around the necklace design. Don't put mod podge on the areas you want paint on. You will need to leave it alone until it dries completely.
4. I forgot to take a picture for step 4 so I used a picture from another project I did. Spread the paint onto the nylon over the space you want painted. You can be generous with the paint here but be careful when spreading the paint close to the edges. You don't want it spreading beyond your design. You'll spread the paint using the paint spreader or cardboard.
5. Carefully lift the ring off the onesie. You could let it set for a minute before taking it off, this might help set it more.
6. Since it won't look perfect use the small paint brush and fill in areas that you want connected. Let the paint dry before you move on to the bleach painting.
7. Use chalk to write on the onesie. Once you have the writing the way you want it begin using the small paint brush and the bleach and trace the chalk. The onesie I bought from Hobby Lobby is pretty think so I had to go over it a few times but if you can tell from the picture it didn't get completely white. The thicker the fabric the more bleach you would need to get it white. Letting it dry in the sun can help the bleaching process.
8. Wash the onesie once everything has dried.
9. Find a cute baby to model your finished product!!!
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